Document: uc-perform-task-on-account.htm

Date: 30 May, 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)

BAT System

Use Case: Perform Task On Account

Scope: Bank Accounts and Transactions System

Level: User Goal

Intention in Context: The intention of the Client is to perform a transaction and/or query on his/her account.

Primary Actor: Client

Main Success Scenario:

1. Client identifies him/herself.

Step 2 can be repeated according to the intentions of the Client

2. Client performs a transaction with System:
withdraws money
from his/her account;
transfer money from his/her account to another account;
deposit money on to an account.


1a. Client deposits money on an account; use case continues at step 2.

2||a. Client gets the balance of his/her account; use case continues as if uninterrupted.


Note that a Client does not need to identify him/herself to deposit money, hence step 1a.

The UML use case diagram shows an alternative approach using UML use case structuring mechanisms.

BAT Use Cases | BAT Description