Document: uc-get-balance.htm

Date: 30 May, 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)

BAT System

Use Case: Get Balance


Scope: Bank Accounts and Transactions System

Level: User Goal

Intention in Context: The intention of the Client is to get his/her account balance. Clients do not interact with the System directly; instead, for this use case, a client interacts via a Mediator (which can be a Teller, ATM, or a Web Client).

Primary Actor: Client

Precondition: The Client has already identified him/herself

Main Success Scenario:

1. Client requests Mediator for his/her account balance.

2. Teller requests System to provide the account balance, providing account details*.

3. System informs Mediator of the balance of Client's account.


* a hyperlink to the document that contains data details and formats.


BAT Use Cases | BAT Description