Document: uc-transfer-money.htm

Date: 30 May, 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)

BAT System

Use Case: Transfer Money


Scope: Bank Accounts and Transactions System

Level: User Goal

Intention in Context: The intention of the Client is to transfer money from one account to another. Clients do not interact with the System directly; instead, for this use case, a client interacts via a Mediator (which can be a Teller, ATM, or a Web Client).

Primary Actor: Client

Precondition: The Client has already identified him/herself

Main Success Scenario:

1. Client requests Mediator to transfer a sum of money from his/her account to another account, providing account details.

2. Mediator requests System to transfer money, providing transfer transaction details*.

3. System validates that the Client's account has sufficient funds available,
debits the account by the amount,
credits the destination account,
records the details of the transaction,
and informs Mediator.


2a. Client requests Mediator to cancel the transfer: use case ends in failure.

3a. System ascertains that the Client does not have sufficient funds for the transfer (BR-2).

3b. System ascertains that it was given incorrect information:

3b.1. System informs Mediator; use case continues at step 2.

3c. System ascertains that it was given insufficient information to make the transfer:

3c.1. System informs Mediator; use case continues at step 2.


* a hyperlink to the document that contains data details and formats.

BAT Use Cases | BAT Description