Date: 30 May, 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)
Auction System
Use Case: buy and sell goods by auction
Scope: Auction System
Level: Summary
Intention in Context: The intention of the User is to buy and sell goods by auctions over time. A User can be involved in multiple auctions at any one time.
Primary Actor: User (becomes Customer once s/he has identified him/herself with the System)
Main Success Scenario:
All Users must first enrol with the System before they have the right to use the system
1. User enrols with System, providing System with registration information*.
2. System validates the registration information and enrols the User.
Steps 3-6 can be repeated according to the intention of the User to buy and sell over time
3. User identifies him/herself to System.
Steps 4-5 can be performed in parallel and individually repeated. A customer may bid and sell in many auctions at any one time.
4. Customer increases credit with System.
5. Customer buys and sells items**:
6. Customer exits System.
2a. System ascertains that User did not provide sufficient information to register him/her:
2a.1. System informs User; use case continues at step 1.
3a. System fails to identify User:
3a.1. System prompts User to enrol; use case continues at step 1.
(4-5)||a. System detects that Customer has exited the System***: use case continues at step 3.
* normally a hyperlink to the document that contains data details and formats.
** more strictly I should define one and make the other one the alternative, but I thought this way is more intuitive
*** defined by some sort of time-out on user response (open issue)