Document: uc-buy-and-sell-goods-by-auction.htm

Date: 30 May, 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)

Auction System

Use Case: buy and sell goods by auction


Scope: Auction System

Level: Summary

Intention in Context: The intention of the User is to buy and sell goods by auctions over time. A User can be involved in multiple auctions at any one time.

Primary Actor: User (becomes Customer once s/he has identified him/herself with the System)

Main Success Scenario:

All Users must first enrol with the System before they have the right to use the system

1. User enrols with System, providing System with registration information*.

2. System validates the registration information and enrols the User.

Steps 3-6 can be repeated according to the intention of the User to buy and sell over time

3. User identifies him/herself to System.

Steps 4-5 can be performed in parallel and individually repeated. A customer may bid and sell in many auctions at any one time.

4. Customer increases credit with System.

5. Customer buys and sells items**:
buys an item on auction and possibly buys it, or
sells an item by auction.

6. Customer exits System.


2a. System ascertains that User did not provide sufficient information to register him/her:

2a.1. System informs User; use case continues at step 1.

3a. System fails to identify User:

3a.1. System prompts User to enrol; use case continues at step 1.

(4-5)||a. System detects that Customer has exited the System***: use case continues at step 3.


* normally a hyperlink to the document that contains data details and formats.

** more strictly I should define one and make the other one the alternative, but I thought this way is more intuitive

*** defined by some sort of time-out on user response (open issue)

Auction Use Cases | Auction Description