Date: 30 May, 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)
Auction System
Use Case: search for auction item
Scope: Auction System
Level: Sub-Function
Intention in Context: The intention of the Customer is to find an auction that interests him/her. The Auction system can have many Customers concurrently using the auction site at any one time.
Primary Actor: Customer
Precondition: The Customer has already identified him/herself to the System.
Main Success Scenario:
Steps 1-2 can be repeated according to the intent of the User.
1. Customer requests System for auctions on a particular item or item group.
2. System provides a view of the information pertaining to the request.
(1-2)a. (at any time) Customer requests System to go back to his/her previous selection.
(1-2)a.1. System provides a view of the information requested previously; use case continues at step 1.
1a. Customer refines his/her selection; use case continues at step 2.