You CANNOT use USB keys
Read carefully the instructions!
During the exam (in the Lab)
- Start your PC
- Install Java and Eclipse
(Installazione Applicazioni icon on the desktop, then Aggiungi nuovi programmi)
- Start Eclise (it will be very slow...)
- When you're asked your id please STOP
- Wait for the teacher to give you the OK.
- Enter ID, then email (also external) and proceed until the
starting project has been downloaded and installed in Eclipse.
- Work on the exam assignment, please remember:
- Requirements are in the html file within the project
(Right-click, Open With, Web Bowser)
- A minimalistic
is available to check you program
- Do not change method signature (name, return type,
type of arguments, and thrown exception)
- Do not implement unrequired features
- You will be warned 15 minutes before the end of the exam,
so you will have time to fix the bugs and run the program
at least once
- When 5 minutes are remaining you will be asked to submit the project
using the following procedure:
- Be sure you saved all of your files
- Select the project
- Right-click and select "Sottometti progetto"
- Click Ok to confirm
- You should get a confirmation window
If you try a second submission you will receive an error
After exam (at home)
- Check you received a copy of the project you submitted
during the exam in your email
- After the exam, usually within 24 hours,
you will receive an email with the result of tests for your
project and attached the jar file containing the tests.
Note: some web mail applications do not show the
attachments correctly, in such a case you
pick the binary attachment and save it
as test.jar
- Follow the instructions at
to use and run the tests.
- Correct you program in order to pass all tests
by making the minimal amount of modifications
- Submit the corrected project at the url provided in the email.
Note: you need to submit the project even if
you original project passed all the tests.
- A couple of days after the deadline, the grades and the
date for exame registration will appear on the
course web page.
Version 1.1 - rev. November 9, 2006