Version 1.0.2 - April 2021


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    • Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material

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    The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.

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    • ShareAlike - If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


Sample data

code course sem credits lecture_hours study_hours
15AHM Chemistry 1 8 80 120
12BHD Computer science 1 8 80 120
16ACF Calculus I 1 10 100 150
01PNN Free Credits 2 6 60 90
01RKC Linear Algebra 2 10 100 150
17AXO Physics I 2 10 100 150


Aesthetics can be defined:

  • At plot level (ggplot())
    • by mapping (aes()) to data
      • inherited by all layers
  • At layer level (geom_..())
    • by mapping (aes()) to data
    • at a fixed value (not scaled)
    • apply to the layer only
    • can overwrite those defined at plot level

Aesthetics mapping at layer level


Fixed aesthetics at layer level

No legend is shown for the fixed value.

            color="white", hjust=1)

Aesthetics at layer level

Aesthetics mapped to data (aes()) are scaled and produce a legend (guide)

            hjust=1, color="white")

Multiple data series

  1. series are stored as distinct variables,
    • each variable is mapped in a different layer
  2. series are stored as the same value variable, and another type variable tells them apart – usualy factor –
    • a single layer is used and series are separated by
      • mapping type variable to a visual or group, or/and
      • faceting (small multiples) by type

Case 1 may be trasformed into case 2 to via pivot_longer() and viceversa through pivot_wider()

Distinct variables

  • layers are overlapped and independent, so upper (later layers) cover lower ones
  • no legend is produced (because fill aesthetics is not scaled)

Type and value variables (data)

courses_long <- courses %>% pivot_longer(
  ends_with("_hours"), names_to="type", values_to="hours") 
code course sem credits type hours
15AHM Chemistry 1 8 lecture_hours 80
15AHM Chemistry 1 8 study_hours 120
12BHD Computer science 1 8 lecture_hours 80
12BHD Computer science 1 8 study_hours 120
16ACF Calculus I 1 10 lecture_hours 100
16ACF Calculus I 1 10 study_hours 150
01PNN Free Credits 2 6 lecture_hours 60
01PNN Free Credits 2 6 study_hours 90
01RKC Linear Algebra 2 10 lecture_hours 100
01RKC Linear Algebra 2 10 study_hours 150
17AXO Physics I 2 10 lecture_hours 100
17AXO Physics I 2 10 study_hours 150

Type and value variables

  • unique layers, bars are automatically stacked not to overlap
  • a legend is produced by the (implicit) scale_fill_discrete
ggplot(courses_long, aes(y=course,x=hours,fill=type))+

Type and value variables (dodging)

  • unique layers, bars are explicitly dodged
  • color scaled by scale_fill_manual
ggplot(courses_long, aes(y=course,x=hours,fill=type))+
  geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge") +

Faceting multiple series

Each facet contains a separate series

ggplot(courses_long, aes(y=course,x=hours,fill=type))+
  scale_fill_manual(values=c("orange","seagreen")) +


Data can be defined:

  • At plot level (ggplot())
    • available to all layers
  • At layer level (geom_..())
    • parameter data
    • available to that layer only

Layer specific data

average <- courses_long %>% group_by(type) %>% 
ggplot(courses_long, aes(y=course,x=hours))+
  geom_bar(stat="identity") +
  geom_vline(aes(xintercept=hours),data=average,color="red") +

Direct labeling with layer data

rightmost <- courses_long %>% group_by(type) %>% 
ggplot(courses_long, aes(x=course,y=hours,color=type))+
  scale_color_manual(values=c("orange","seagreen"),guide=F) +

Geometry layers

Text annotations

Text annotation layer is created with geom_text()and geom_label() with the following aesthetics:

  • label: the text label
  • hjust : horizontal alignment
    • "left", "middle", "right"
  • vjust: vertical alignment
    • "top", "center", "bottom"
  • family: font family
  • fontface: type of font, e.g. “bold”, “italic”

Text annotations alignment

Note: e.g., "left" means align to the left of the reference position

Paths vs. Line

  • geom_path() obeys the order of points in the data
  • geom_line() sorts the points by x


Use geom_bar(stat="identity"), with aethetics:

  • position: "stack", "dodge", "fill"


geom_smooth() provides a least square interpolation of points.

set.seed(1793); data.frame(x=1:20,y=rnorm(20)) %>%


Position scales

Position scales are scale_x/y..

  • _continuous() linear, with variations:
    • _log10()
    • _sqrt()
    • _reverse()
  • _discrete()
  • _date() with variations
    • _datetime()
    • _time()

Position scales


  • name the name/label of the axis
  • breaks the breaks (ticks) of the axis, a vector or a function
    • also minor_breaks for continuous and date scales
    • also date_breaks set distance among breaks, e.g. 2 days
  • labels the labels, a vector or a function
    • can use label_ functions in scales package e.g. label_percent()

Position scales

  • limits: set the limits (or list of values for discrete scale)
  • expand: define how much space is added at extremes of axis
    • use function expansion()
      • mult: multiplicative expansion, default: 0.05 for continuous
      • add: additive expansion, default: 0.6 for discrete
      • both can be 1 or 2 elements long
      adds 5% to the left and 20% to the right

Color scales

Works for both color and fill aesthetics.

  • _manual, assign levels to color names in values
  • _gradient, define a color gradient from low to high
  • _brewer picks from a colorbewer predefined palette
    • type: "seq", "div", "qual"
    • palette: names (e.g., “Greens”) or number
  • _viridis_b|c|d binned,continuous, discrete predefined palettes
    • option: “A” to “E”

Color names (a sample)

Unscaled aethetics (linetype)

  • linetype type of line for geom_line() and geom_path()

Unscaled aethetics (shape)

  • Maps to at most 6 different levels of a discrete variable

  • Symbols can be selected with scale_shape_manual()

    • 0 to 14 are outlined shapes
    • 15 to 20 are solid shapes
    • 21 to 25 are filled shapes


  • Hadley Wickham, Danielle Navarro, and Thomas Lin Pedersen. “ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis”, in-progress
  • Winston Chang, “R Graphics Cookbook” O’Reilly, 2013