Version 1.0.0 - April 2021


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What is ggplot2?

The ggplot2 is packagefor producing statistical graphics.

  • ggplot2 is based on a grammar
    • allows composing graphs as combination of independent components
  • ggplot2 takes care of fiddly details
    • defaults let produce publication-quality graphics in seconds
  • ggplot2 is designed to work incrementally
    • start raw data, then add layers of annotations and statistical summaries

Graphics Grammar

Plot is composed of:

  • data the information to be visualized (data frame)
  • mapping of data onto aesthetic attributes
    • layer
      • geometric elements (geom)
      • statistical transformations (stat)
    • scale: maps data to attributes (e.g., color, size ..)
    • coord system: maps data coordinates to the plane
    • facet: breaks up the plot as small multiples
    • theme: provide support elements and controls details

Basic elements

Any ggplot2 plot has three key components:

  • the data
  • aesthetic mappings
    • maps data variables to aesthetics features
    • coordinates or attributes
  • visual layer (at least one)
    • define the visual object
    • maps aesthetics features to geometric properties

Basic elements

ggplot(series, aes(x=i,y=fibonacci))+geom_point()

Basic elements

ggplot(series, aes(x=i,y=fibonacci))+geom_point()
  • series : defines the data to be used
  • aes(x=i,y=fibonacci) : maps data to visual characteristics
    • i and fibonacci to the x and y coordinates respectively
    • cartesian coordinates are implied by default
    • linear scales implied
  • geom_point() : defines a layer that map data to points
    • shape, color, size of points are implied by default


  • Scale depends on the type of aesthetics
    • for position (x, y) is by default a simple linear scale
    • for other types of aesthetics may vary

Scales and coordinates

Both scale and coordinates have (implicit) defaults:

  • the default scale depends on
    • the specific aestethics
    • the type of the variable
  • the default coordinate system is coord_cartesian()
    • another option is coor_polar()

Default scale adapts to variable

ggplot(series, aes(x=factor(i),y=fibonacci))+geom_point()

A factor is mapped to equidistanced slots along the axis

Different coordinate system

ggplot(series, aes(x=i,y=linear))+geom_point()+

x maps to \(\theta\) (with max(x) \(\rightarrow 2\pi\)) and y maps to \(\rho\)

Different y axis scale

ggplot(series, aes(x=i,y=square))+geom_point()+

Applied a log scale to the position y

Additional aesthetics

Aesthetics include:

  • position (x, y)
  • grouping (group)
  • other:
    • color : line or simbol color
    • fill : area fill color
    • shape : type of shape
    • size : size of the object

Additional aesthetics

ggplot(series %>% mutate( mag = fibonacci %/% 10), 
       aes(x=i, y=fibonacci, color=mag))+ geom_point()

A gradient scale is used for a continuous (numeric) variable

Additional features

ggplot(series%>%mutate( mag = fibonacci %/% 10), 
       aes(x=i, y=fibonacci, color=factor(mag)))+ geom_point()

Discrete color scale is used for a factor variable


For each aesthetics type a few scales are provided:

  • scale_x_.., scale_y_..
  • scale_color_..
  • scale_fill_..
  • scale_shape_..
  • scale_size_..

Additional feature and scale

ggplot(series%>%mutate( mag = fibonacci %/% 10), 
       aes(x=i, y=fibonacci, color=mag))+ 

Geometry layers

Geometry function add new layers

  • geom_point() : draw points
  • geom_line() : draw lines connecting positions
  • geom_text() and geom_label() : write a text or label
  • geom_area() : draw a filled area

Layers are drawn in order of declaration, with the latest on top.

The order of all other statements is irrelevant.

Changing geometry

ggplot(series, aes(x=i, y=fibonacci))+ 

Using multiple layers

ggplot(series, aes(x=i, y=fibonacci, label=fibonacci))+ 
       geom_line() + geom_label()

Geometries with statistical transformation

A few geometries perform a transformation befor mapping to an object

  • geom_bar() : compute frequencies of discrete variables
  • geom_histogram() : compute frequencies of bins of continuous vars
  • geom_boxplot() : compute boxplot
  • geom_violin(): compute a violin plot

Computing frequencies

ch = strsplit("All along the watchtower",c())[[1]]
ggplot(data.frame(ch=ch), aes(x=ch))+ geom_bar()

Regular barplot

ggplot(series, aes(x=factor(i),y=fibonacci))+ 

Conventional bar plot uses stat identity (instead of count)

Histogram geometry

ggplot(series, aes(x=fibonacci))+ 

Boxplot geometry

ggplot(series, aes(x=fibonacci))+ 


The support elements and default visual features are defined by a theme

  • theme_classic() : similar to base functions
  • theme_gray() : the default theme (gray background)
  • theme_bw() : same as default but with white backgound
  • theme_light() : same as bw but with lighter lines
  • theme_dark() : dark gray background
  • theme_minimal() : minimalistic theme
  • theme_void() : no supporting elements

Changing the theme

ggplot(series, aes(x=factor(i),y=fibonacci))+geom_point()+


  • Hadley Wickham, Danielle Navarro, and Thomas Lin Pedersen. “ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis”, in-prograss
  • Winston Chang, “R Graphics Cookbook” O’Reilly, 2013