Object Oriented Programming (02JEY)

a.y. 2014 / 2015


Marco Torchiano
marco.torchiano AT polito.it
tel: 011 564-7088




Here is a list of the slides used for the lectures and the corresponding screencasts.
To download a screencast: right-click on the title and then Save.
Movies are in QuickTime format

Screencast are also available as Podcast podcast.


Labs, exercises, and examples


Students will be divided into two groups (alphabetically) and will go to the lab according to the following schedule:
GroupLab dates
A - L13-Mar 27-Mar 17-Apr 8-May 22-May 5-Jun
M - Z20-Mar 10-Apr 24-Apr 15-May 29-May 12-Jun
Swaps between students in the two groups are allowed.

Tutorials and Instructions

Assignments and solutions

  1. University
  2. Hydraulics:
  3. Diet
  4. Schools
  5. Clinic
  6. Social network

Classroom examples

Exercises and examples in the classroom are available on the SVN repository at http://softeng.polito.it/svn/OOP2015/.
You can find the basic information for installing the Subversion Eclipse plug-in here.

A few considerations about the use of Comparators are presented here.



  • Some past exams are available.


    Software and useful links
