Object Oriented Programming (02JEY)a.y. 2014 / 2015
^top News
LecturesHere is a list of the slides used for the lectures and the corresponding screencasts.To download a screencast: right-click on the title and then Save. Movies are in QuickTime format
Screencast are also available as
^top Labs, exercises, and examplesGroupsStudents will be divided into two groups (alphabetically) and will go to the lab according to the following schedule:
Tutorials and Instructions
Assignments and solutions
Classroom examplesExercises and examples in the classroom are available on theSVN repository at http://softeng.polito.it/svn/OOP2015/ .You can find the basic information for installing the Subversion Eclipse plug-in here. A few considerations about the use of Comparators are presented here.
^top Exams
^top Software and useful links
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