Object Oriented Programming (02JEY)
a.y. 2012 / 2013
This is a past edition page for the course, you can find the current edition: here
- JDK 6 Documentation (Local copy)
- Some exams are available.
- On April 24 we discussed after lecture about using reflection to overcome the limitations of type erasure in Generics.
I tried to investigate further and wrote a blog post about the topic,
the relative material is available here
- Preliminary versions of the slides are available here. Filenames starting with "pre" are preliminary, filenames starting with a number are the final version used for the lectures and listed among the lectures below.
- Screencast are also available as
The course begins on March 5, in room 10 at 10 am.
Here is a list of the slides used for the lectures and the corresponding screencasts.
To download a screencast: right-click onn the title and then Save.
Movies are in QuickTime format
Labs, exercices, and examples
The instructions about how to start a lab assignment
are available here
Lab assignments with solutions
- Phone book application:
- University application:
- Hydraulic system simulation:
- Hydraulic system simulation EXTENDED VERSION:
- Diet:
- VendingMachine:
- Hospital:
- Hospital IO:
- Facebook:
- Facebook GUI:
Exercises and examples in the classroom
- Initial versione of Canvas project, described in March 27 lecture.
- On April 24 we discussed after lecture about using reflection to overcome the limitations of type erasure in Generics.
I tried to investigate further and wrote a blog post about the topic,
the relative material is available here
- Classroom solution of Diet lab assignment: project, described in April 30 lecture.
- Examples about Java Swing project
Some exams are available.
Software and usefull links