Trains Timetable
Develop an application to manage trains timetable and monitor when trains stop
in the railway stations.
All classes MUST be in package "timetable".
R1 - Define Paths
The System works with class Timetable.
The first phase defines trains' railway distances.
The method createPath() has these
parameters: the code (e.g. IC2345) and the category; then it creates a Path
object. Train's category can be "Intercity", "Eurostar",
"Interregional", or "Regional". The class Path implements methods getCode(), and getCategory(). Trains type can be ordinary
or extraordinary, and it can be defined and read with methods setExtraordinary()
which has a boolean parameter, and isExtraordinary()
which returns a boolean value. The default value is ordinary.
It is possible to know all paths dfined in the timetable with method getPaths()
returning a Collection of Path objects.
Moreover, the method getPath() receives a path code abd returns
the corresponding object.
R2 - Train Stops
Each Path is made of different Train Stops, each one related to one railway
The class Path provides the method addStop()
which has these parameters: name of the railway station, the arrival time in
hours and minutes; this method returns the corresponding TrainStop
Class TrainStop has methods getStation(),
getHour(), getMinutes().
The list of all train stops in a path can be obtained through the method getTrainStops()
in class Path: it returns a list of TrainStop objects ordered by arrival time.
R3 - Trains
Trains follow a predefined path and stop at the railway station at a particular
The class Timetable has a method newTrain()
that, once reived parameters like code, path and the date, returns the new
Train object created.
If path code does not correspond to a path defined, then InvalidPath
exception is generated..
Clas Train has methods getPath()
and getDate() to read these information.
Starting form a Path it is possible to obtain the trains list which have passed
through this Path, using the method getTrains()
of Path class: this method returns the trains list ordered by date in
descendant order.
R4 - Passages
A train can pass through a railway station at a certain moment.
The class Train has method registerPassage()
receiving station name, hour and minutes; this method returns the Passage
object created.
If the station name does not correspond to one of the train stops of the path,
then a InvalidStop exception is generated.
The class Passage has methods getStation(), getHour(), getMinutes().
Then the method delay() returns the delay in minutes of the train
with respect to the timetable of the TrainStop.
R5 - Statistics
Class Train allows obtaining some statistics.
Method arrived()
returns true if the train has stopped at the last railway station.
Methods maxDelay(), minDelay(), totalDelay() give information on delays.
Class Path has also methods maxDelay(), minDelay(), totalDelay() which return values related to total
delays of all trains passed by this path.