Document: uc-check-out-books.htm

Date: 9 June 2001; Author: Shane Sendall (LGL-DI-EPFL)

LBB System

Use Case: check-out books

Scope: Library Book Borrowing System

Level: User Goal

Intention in Context: The intention of the User is to check-out books from a library. Only one User can check-out books at any one time.

Primary Actor: User (becomes Member once s/he has identified him/herself with the System)

Main Success Scenario:

1. User requests System to check-out books.

2. User identifies him/herself to System.

Step 3 is repeated for each book that is checked-out by Member.

3. Member registers book with System.

4. Member indicates to System that s/he has finished checking out books.

5. System records all books registered by Member as on loan, requests Printer to print out a receipt* for the session, and puts itself in a state to receive the next User.


2a. User fails to identifies him/herself with System: use case ends in failures.

3a. System informs Member that s/he has reached his/her maximum number of books allowed on loan; use case continues at step 4.

3||a. Member requests System to remove book from the books that are checked out:

3||a.1. Member identifies book to System.

3||a.2a. System identifies book and removes it from the list of books registered by Member; use case continues from where it was interrupted.

3||a.2b. System fails to identify book; use case continues from where it was interrupted.

(3-4)a. Member requests System to cancel check-out.

(3-4)a.1. System removes all books that were registered by Member, and puts itself in a state to receive the next User; use case ends in failure.

(3-4)b. System times-out waiting for input from Member:

(3-4)b.1. System removes all books that were registered by Member, and puts itself in a state to receive the next User; use case ends in failure.


* normally a hyperlink to the document that contains data details and formats.

LBB Use Cases | LBB Description